Certified Reference Material

Photo from www.oreas.com.au
Geolstuff MNL Company is partnering with Ore Research & Exploration Pty Ltd which has been the go-to in producing gold, PGE, base metal and lithogeochem standards for the mining and analytical industries. These include both the OREAS® range of commercially available CRMs and matrixmatched CRMs.
Over the years ORE PTY LTD has been a trusted company in terms of standards used in different industries. It has pioneered a number of technological advances that have enabled the production of CRMs from ore deposits to an unparalleled level of homogeneity.
All ore grade gold of OREAS® CRMs are tested by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) on 0.09-1.0g aliquots (the sample size varies depending on the matrix) to confirm and quantify the absolute level of homogeneity. ORE Pty Ltd are the only manufacturers employing this stringent test and offer a guarantee of the homogeneity of gold (and PGE) in all OREAS® and custom CRMs irrespective of the presence of coarse gold in the source materials. (www.oreas.com.au)

Photo from www.oreas.com.au
For more information and quotations, you can email us at geolstuffmnl@gmail.com and we can send you the OREAS Catalogue 2023